How to Quit Sugar Once and For All

Lisa Mase
3 min readJan 10, 2021

Do you know what it feels like to say you’re going to do something and then actually do it? It feels amazing! When I got off of sugar, I not only felt great in my body, but I was also meeting my goal. I was accountable and kept my word to myself. This feeling transformed my life!

It made everything else — from work to parenting — feel possible. For those of you who know how much I have struggled with chronic health issues and finding the ideal foods that allow me to thrive, you know what a big deal this was for me. It fueled so many other goals in my life.

I want to everyone to feel the same way.

Enjoying your food is very important, because to enjoy something is how we connect to the world, to one another, to our inner being. — Edward Espe Brown

Refined cane / beet sugar is one of the most addictive foods on the market. We might enjoy it in the moment, but then feel terrible a few hours afterwards.

Processed sugar is not food.

It is so refined that it must leech vitamins and minerals from our muscles and bones in order to be metabolized. We are the victims of a corporate food culture of processed foods that causes us to be addicted to foods that are packed with excessive salt, sugar and unhealthy fat.

How do we break free from the sugar cycle?

It’s a process that involves not only about changing what we eat, but also shifting how we are feeling when we are eating. Emotional eating can drive us to eat sweets. When I am feeling emotional, I have learned to shift my habits from eating to deep breathing.

There are many benefits to reducing sugar consumption. The big three are reducing inflammation, balancing blood sugar, and finding a healthy weight.

When trying to reduce inflammation, the way we eat is just as important as the food itself.

Eating while stressed, rushed or distracted further contributes to inflammation. Make sure you identify food triggers so that you do not overeat or eat emotionally too often. It’s certainly ok on occasion. Simply notice emotional eating when it’s happening and keep using the tools below to shift.

To curb cravings and eat more mindfully, try these strategies:

· Prepare healthy snacks

· Drink water

· Move your body

· Practice habit shifting

· Take a deep breath

· Get enough sleep

Hungry for more? Download my free eBook with tools and recipes for breaking free from processed beet/cane sugar.



Lisa Mase

I am a registered nutritionist and health coach, herbalist, intuitive eater and food sovereignty activist. Learn more: